
  • Bronwen painted for the first time in her late 20's, having avoided the school art room, from an aversion to, and discomfort in anything other than creative privacy.
  • She has worked and exhibited over the last forty + years.
  • Late in 2010 she embarked on a committed body of work which absorbed, excited, challenged and enthralled her. Many of the starting points came as inspirations from reading Mircea Eliade "Sacred and Profane". This book essentialised and brought into the light a lifetime's odyssey and search for spiritual understanding.  Particular ideas that emerged and found expression included:-  transcendence; hierophany; threshold;  the 'between';  beauty and metamorphosis;  spiritual archaeology etc...
  • Her passion has always been to explore the hidden and mystical qualities of the natural world, bringing into relationship both general, particular, material and symbolic subjects, delving behind the structures of that world in order to present some kind of intimation of visible and invisible worlds.  This has involved a diversity of images, which nevertheless arrive at a resonance with each other. Sometimes this reveals a gently surreal syncronicity.
  • She combines photographic images, scanning, a printing technique, coloured pencil, pastel and gouache. Some works also incorporate collage.

  • In 2020 she embarked on an ongoing project 'Theatre of Trees'. This has progressed into a gallery of small wood sculptures.
  • In 2022, inspired by a local fallen Sweet Chestnut tree she set to work on wood collected from the tree, including three large slices of the trunk that were characterised by large numbers of extraordinary burrs. 
  • Along with the carvings, she also produced abstracted paintings, again based on the same tree and its distinctive anatomy and character.
  • The Sweet Chestnut work is a long term project.


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